You now have the choice of taking IELTS on paper or on computer in several locations.
All four sections of IELTS on computer are completed on the same day. The Listening, Reading and Writing sections of IELTS on paper are completed on the same day. The order in which these tests are taken may vary. There are no breaks between these three tests. The Speaking test, however, can be completed up to a week before or after the other tests.
We are committed to making sure that IELTS is available to everyone. If you have a special requirement, please register for IELTS on paper, as this format is available worldwide, and caters to all test takers regardless of need. If you select IELTS on computer, you will use a different registration system, and we will not be able to complete registration process.
Please choose the option you are most comfortable with: IELTS on paper or IELTS on computer.
If you are more comfortable with traditional pen-and-paper exams, the IELTS on paper suits you better. Some test-takers find it easier to concentrate and perform well when familiar with the format.
If you are more confident in handwriting skills or feel that typing may slow you down, the paper-based format allows you to write your responses by hand. Express yourselves through handwriting!
Want to test out how the IELTS on paper test is? Join the IELTS Trial Testing for free and get 25% off on your IELTS on paper test. You get to have the feels of the actual exam plus huge savings on your IELTS test. Hurry, limited slots only!
*Results for IELTS on computer are usually available within 3 to 5 days after you finish all components of your test. Please note that if the result release day falls on weekend of public holiday, the test report form (TRF) will be distributed the next working day.